Stack Exchange is a moderated Q&A site. There are several advantages to posting answers on Stack Exchange compared to posting blogs on my own blog site, including:
- Wider distribution. There are more people in the Stack Exchange audience than there are in my blog's.
- Peer review: There are some great people active on Stack Exchange who will review your work and give good feedback.
- Topics: Answering other peoples' question means I don't need to come up with topics for posts.
On the other hand Stack Exchange does cramp my style a little. It's a serious site so there's less room for humor. To get recognized it's usually important to respond quickly, which leaves less time to polish the post. So I do plan to continue posting to this blog when appropriate - and I'm currently working on my next post.
Following are links to some of my contributions to the Stack Exchange IT Security site. Read them, but don't stop there - there is a lot of great material on the site posted by people like Thomas Pornin, Polynomial and D.W.
- Why do some sites prevent users from reusing their old passwords?
- Average number of exploitable bugs per thousand lines of code?
- Privacy implications of IDFA/IDFV? (iPhone/iOS)
- What is the key when facial recognition is used as a password?
- Confused about (password) entropy
- Firefox lists '(unknown)' as the owner of Is my connection insecure?
- Without SSL, what vantage point does one need to MITM non-SSL'd HTTP?
I also found an interesting bug in MDK3.